A Healthy Heart and AGGIE BASKETBALL 2010!

4 11 2010

AGGIE BASKETBALL is here again!  Everyone come out and support our AGGIE’s and I’ll wear my best costumes!  Tomorrow night I’ll be looking REAL nice!  If you have any costume idea’s send them my way.

Also, great news for my heart! I don’t have to get a transplant and my heart is functioning normal (Normal is between 50-77-I’m a 55). YAY! Also all the blood clots are gone. I am very excited.

I have some big news to announce in the near future so stay up to date on my blog and facebook.




3 responses

4 11 2010

That is fantastic news about your heart! So happy for you! Thanks for the “tea party” with Jenna!!

7 11 2010

I would like to see an Indian chief when the utes come to town

27 02 2011
Zhen from Singapore

I just read about you from the news. You’re amazing and I’m happy to hear that your health is improving. Stay healthy!

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